Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Work In Progress

One of my favorite subjects. This time I took my reference photo first thing in the morning and I am loving it! Still need to make some adjustments on that sliver of light shooting across the grasses, but all in all, I like the basic structure. I have had to practice getting out of my own way on this one..... a lot!
Started getting frustrated with it last night because it wasn't going as fast as I wanted. Had to take a break and clear out the bad ju-ju. Haha! There always seems to be that point in a painting where everything looks like a jumbled mess and it feels like no progress is being made. Just got to keep going with the full intention of making some collector somewhere unvelievably happy with their newest painting. (Wink wink!) 

For really and truly, it's right on track and will be finished by Friday. I am hoping to get this one into the gallery before the October First Friday Art Walk. We will see!

I have no idea what I am painting next. Need to get on that!

1 comment:

martinealison said...


Il est toujours très intéressant de pouvoir visionner l'évolution d'une peinture.
A ce stade elle me plaît déjà beaucoup. Quel travail ! J'aime votre souci du détail et l'atmosphère de cette peinture.

Gros bisous ✿❀✿