Monday, February 16, 2015

Déjà Vu

Untitled WIP

Nick wants to call this déjà Vu. 
Two or three years ago I started painting this image. It irritated the life out of me. I shredded the canvas and tossed the remains on the burn pile. Nick has been mourning over that painting all this time so I am giving it another go just to make him happy. 😄 the first piece was jacked in so many ways.  I wasn't comfortable working this size at that point, plus I wasn't comfortable doing as much rearranging Nature the way I do now. It was a good experience, though. Sometimes an object gets too big for its britches (even if just in our own minds) and it needs to be put in its place. The best bit of knowledge I took from that experience is that a painting is just a painting and I won't die or lose all my hair or witness the world imploding just because a painting doesn't turn out the way I hoped.
 I am glad I got to start fresh with it instead of trying to eternally try to fix a painting I didn't like. Goes back to the bones of the piece. If the underlying structure isn't good, the odds of working it into something good are pretty slim. BUT!!!! This is important- if the basic composition works you can do all sorts of tweaking and find yourself with something worthwhile.  (That's tweaking, not twerking. Please- no twerking in the studio. Or the garden. Or the house. Or anywhere else for that matter.) 

I am enjoying this round with this subject much better than the first. I knocked down some trees, planted some others, pushed some to grow in a different direction and will be taking full advantage of my artistic license in the rest of the piece. 

Working to have this finished for the July Showcase along with the next painting in line- another bigger piece that I am soooooo looking forward to painting. 
I may or may not share the process on that one. Might just be selfish and keep it all to myself. Muahaha!


Dennis said...

Enjoyed viewing your paintings... I am not much for landscape as I don't paint dirt...*smile* The monotone forest is quite an accomplishment but it would have drove me mad...

Sara Winters said...

Hahaha! That's the under painting, Dennis!